Saturday Coached Run 9/6/09

Monday, September 8, 2008

Helllooooo alll!! Saturday (9/6) we were scheduled to run 7 miles - we meet at 8:00a.m. with the whole team on Saturdays so it's pretty early but nice because we get out and get started before whoever decides to turn on the heat! We ran this weekend in Walnut Creek which was nice because it's only like 5 miles from our house. Don didn't run this weekend - he was busy planning his company picnic which I attended after the run with Clara. I was running a few minutes late this morning. The picture on the left is our head coach - Coach Al. What I missed while I was running a few minutes late was him announcing that the course was a little longer than 7 miles. So when I got to the 7 mile marker and the course was not ending, I was thoroughly confused. Turns out the course was 7.6 miles! Guess I should be there on time for any surprise announcements next time :) You don't think an extra .6 miles is a big difference but when your looking forward to the end of 7 miles and you have to run for another's kind of a big deal. Anyways, the run went GREAT this morning. A hill around mile 3 kind of slowed me down but then from 3 to about 6 I was feeling good, nice steady breathing and kept a good pace. Around 6-7 my knee started to act up on me again but I made it to the end. Ended up with about a 10.5 min. mile - not too bad. This is a picture of me at the water stop which was at mile 4. I look kind of prissy for some reason but I swear it was just trying to down as much water as I could-haha. Anyways, good times..I should probably get back to work now :) Will post more soon - first track workout tomorrow 9/9 which is really where I want to be on my BIRTHDAY!! (yes, that was sarcasm)