Not the brightest crayon in the box :(

Friday, September 12, 2008

So I turned 25 the other day and as a gift to me from some other power - pain in the knees. So we went to the track workout on my actual birthday (9/9) to do a little running, I got about half done and my knee started bothering me again so I stopped and walked the rest. I was kind of bummed out because I don't want the knee problem to keep affecting me throughout the season. Most days it's just a dull pain that I can easily handle but this particular day it was hurting pretty bad. After the run (my walk) my lovely boyfriend Don decided to announce it was my birthday so I got a very harmonious Happy Birthday sung to me by the whole team. Here's a pic of the song in progress:

It was nice - I got a ton of happy birthday wishes so it made my knee feel better. So I decided, I must go to the chirpractor because I don't want this problem slowing me down to that 26.2 mark so the smart option would have been to maybe just take it easy until I get it looked at since there's obviously something wrong. Well that's where not the brightest crayon in the box comes in. After I had issues walking for the next two days, we had a buddy run on Thursday(9/11) with a small group from the team. Instead of just taking it easy and walking I thought well I'll run for a little while then walk. So I ran for about 15-20 min. and then thought I should walk so I don't strain any muscles or what not. I walked about 10 min and then decided to run a little more. NOPE. Bad idea. I don't know what I did but it felt like just splinters of pain up not one but both of my knees this time. Smart move Sara. I probably was favoring that leg and put more strain on the other! Dull crayon. So anyways I walked the rest of the time which was painful still, went to the store and bought a bag of ice and some aleve, went home and iced both of my knees - wow, no I don't sound old do I?? I had trouble walking into my bedroom I was in so much pain but today after the ice they feel really good. I'm still going to wait until I see the chiropractor on Tuesday before I run again. This Saturday's run is 8 miles but I figured since I ran 7.6 las weekend it's not going to be a crazy set back if I don't run. Next weekend it's 10!! Getting into double digits. Saturday's run is in Livermore so I might go down with Don to support the team....there also happens to be some good wineries down there, what a coincidence! Anyways, will post more on the old knees when I find out - as of now I'll be doing some low impact workouts until then. Also tons of thanks to those who have donated already - got my first $100 YAY!!