Excited yet Exhausted!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Well hello out there! I'm always thinking I never know how many people are actually reading this until someones like 'oh I heard your knee's feeling better'...when I never told them ;) That's good though - I'm glad to hear it, because that's why I'm doing it!! So, to explain the title of this blog: Excited yet Exhausted, I am excited because this weekend probably more than half my team and countless numbers of other participants are going to be running in the Nike womens marathon in San Francisco!! I will not be running but I will definitely be there to cheer them on - whoo hoo - you guys are going to do GREAT!! I promised to wear my purple for TNT but now that I'm thinking about it, I dont really have anything purple - not really my color -haha. I'll have to find some before Sunday I guess. As for the exhausted part, I am soooo tired this week, I feel like I can't catch up on my sleep for anything. I was ridiculously busy at work yesterday and although slightly slower, busy for the rest of the week. Then I get home, eat, run, shower, sleep. Repeatedly. I know that sounds like all fun and games to everyone out there who doesn't run (wink wink) but it's really tiring I've found. On my "off time" I'm trying to raise another $3000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (on top of my almost $900 I've already raised). Trying to send out letters to family in MI so they have something physical to remind them since the e-mails obviously aren't getting through very well, trying to figure out when we can go to the farmers market next. I had to cancel my hair appointment on Saturday because we're headin to the farmers market again -yeee-haw!
Anywhoo we ran 12 miles this past Saturday, it was a pretty decent run though. My knee did start to bother me a little toward the end but it wasn't as bad as it had previously been. My fellow teamate brandon who was riding his bike on that particular day, ended up catching up to me when I had about 2 miles left and rode along side me the rest of the way. It was extremely helpful as this was where I was starting to get really tired. We talked about fundraising ideas and the last two miles were over before I knew it! This Saturday we are doing a timed run instead of mileage for this one week. Our goal is to run 110-125 minutes I think. Which if I run about a 10 min mile that is about 12-12.5 again. Like I said these few weeks are kind of slow down weeks for us because the people running the Nike are coming to an end and what not - then after this week we pick back up with the pretty steady 2 miles increase per week. Yay. (Sarcasm-haha) Here's a pretty dorky pic. of me that brandon snapped while we crossed the bridge back into Heather Farms last Sat.
Yeah - pretty hot I know. Looks like I'm not even moving - haha. Anyways that's all for now I suppose. Any questions/comments let me know and remember to visit my fundraising page and help relieve some of my exhaustion!!! ;)