16 miles - done!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So I thought about updating the blog last week but I thought..I don't really have anything to talk about. I'm still running and running is still taking over my life ;) So I decided to wait until well...now to update since we ran 16 MILES on Saturday (10/25) and I thought for sure I would have something to talk about. First off, it was chilly in the morning. Here's a pic:This is me (not fully awake and cold at 7:45am) and our wonderful Laura. This was Laura's last run with us before her big move to Colorado :( We're all going to miss her - she's super nice and helpful (and if your reading this Laura, I got my list up to 70 people, just short of 75 but thanks so much for the challenge and goal)
So for everyone wondering how it went, it went about what you would expect 16 miles to feel like. Tiring, exhausting, painful, and long. And also...rewarding. Those first things just come to mind so much faster than rewarding - haha. So we started at 8:00am, the course was a 10 mile loop so we did one whole loop then started again but only went out three and then back three. The first 10 miles were ok. My knee started bothering me around mile 6 and I thought it was going to stop me from running but after I got going again after the 6 mile water stop I felt ok. I ran the rest of the way with Clara (who's in the picture with me) so I had someone to keep me company. The real killer was only like the last three miles or so. My knees were in quite a bit of pain and I couldn't seem to keep my mind off of it. I had to stop a couple of times within the last mile and I was thinking 'this sucks' but then I had to tell myself that I was almost done and I would feel good when I got back, etc. Which I did. This pic. is from Saturdays run also and yes, I do love the fact that I look so good ;) I don't even look like I'm running at this point but this is at mile 10 - so...give me a break-haha. As far as fundraising I am officially at $867 but I also have some money that hasn't been updated on the website yet so actually I have a little over $1000!! I think its great that I've actually got my little thermometer to move on my fundraising page but I'm still quite a ways away from my goal. If you haven't donated already, I would really appreciate the help and so would millions of other people that are in more need than anyone I know of.
Also, if you know anyone else who might think this is a good cause - please forward them something - either a letter/e-mail I've sent you, this link, my fundraising website link OR send me an e-mail at sara.verb@gmail.com and I'll send them the info. personally!! Thanks so much for stopping by! Til' next time - peace!