Last post before the Big RACE!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

GO Team OZ!!!!

Hey hey!! So it's been a while since I last blogged. Hopefully everyone will still check back and see this post before we send off for the big day!! It is Monday Dec. 8th and we are officially less than 1 week away from the marathon!!!!!!!! The marathon is this SUNDAY, DEC.14th in Honolulu, Hawaii.

My feelings? I'm a bit more nervous than anything else. I am praying every day that my knees will hold me up long enough to complete the race (without it being like 10hours or something ridiculous like that) But I'm also EXCITED! I can't wait to get it over with - haha (jk) But seriously I really am feeling very accomplished, I survived training for a marathon now I just have to survive the actual marathon. I've raised around $3000 which is crazy - and I couldn't have done it without the help of all my friends and family. I was really worried about it at first but I've seen so many people that I didn't even expect to be able to help just completely extend their hearts not only with donation contributions but with support and advice and sharing their personal connections and so on. I truly truly appreciate all of the help that I've gotten all the way from Michigan (whoot whoot) to Oregon, and of course my new home, Cali.

We also had an amazing turnout for the beer pong tournament that we hosted a couple of weeks ago. We were expecting around 20-30 people (10-15 teams) and we ended up with 74 players (37 teams)!!! Plus we had about 25-30 people who didn't play but were just there to hang out and support the cause so all in all we had around 100 people - who were all there because they wanted to support LLS and our team!! After the beer and supplies were paid for we profited about $1200 from entries to the tournament!!! WOOO-HOOOO!!!! In a separate fund - we made around $200 from t-shirt sales (Which by the way are still available for your purchasing pleasure ($20)) Don is modeling the shirts below:

Other than that - I am still available to take donations if you haven't donated yet and still want to - it is NOT TOO LATE. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society are always in need of any help they can get. And yeah, just wish me luck!! Will send out an update to let everyone know how the run went (if I'm still alive at the end) and I can't wait to see everyone back in Michigan the following weekend!!

My team "jersey" is super tiny also (as shown above) Little concerned about that ;)

Love and Peace
