Gettin' pumped!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Hello again bloggers!! So I know everyone is going to be impressed when they find out that I am updating the blog without ANY friendly reminders this time. Shocking I know. Although thank god for those little reminders or else I may have let the blog slide off my priority list (one of my downfalls :P) Then what would everyone have to read at work when they're trying to pretend they're working when they're really not. No of course I'm not talking about you -haha. Like I have a lot of room to talk - I think this is one of the few blogs I have written when I'm NOT at work! I do it when I'm on break - of course. Anyways, moving on before I get myself in trouble....BLOGGING!! Pretty awesome. So, we did another 16 mile run this weekend getting ready for our 20 mile-er this weekend. I unfortunately did not run the full 16, I actually only ran half (8 for those who don't like to do math in your head). My knee felt better but I still wasn't going to push it for the big run this weekend. I am bound and determined to run 20 miles so I don't want to be all sore and then try to run it. I got some insert things you put in your shoes to possibly help keeping my arch from collapsing when I run. Other than the blisters they gave me on the sides of my feet they felt pretty good. Now I need those blister protector things I guess. So much goes into this running stuff, you have no idea. I felt great after the 8 miles which is more than I can say for anyone else that ran on Saturday but then again, I'm the slacker who turned around half way-hehe. Still seeing dr. morganstein so I think I'll be just fine.

On to fundraising. On my website it says I have almost $1200, and then I just sent in over $500 in checks and cash donations so those aren't on there yet but total I have around $1700!! Pretty good I think. HOWEVER, my fundraising deadline is less than one week away!! Bummer. So you're wondering what's going to happen if I don't come up with over $2000 in one week?? Well I still try AS HARD AS I CAN to get AS MUCH AS I CAN this week. Then, on Saturday - although kind of later than exected, Don and I are hosting the first annual....


For the Californians reading this - COME OUT AND HAVE A GOOD TIME WITH US!!!!!!!!!!!! It's $20 per person entry fee but that includes your beer for the night - you absolutely DO NOT have to play and drink if you don't want to. If you do want to - you should know that you can't beat $20 for beer all night ANYWHERE in the San Francisco/bay area - HAHA! We also got t-shirts printed that will be for sale for $20 each. They are really cool shirts - not specific to LLS or Team in Training but just want a subtle reminder that we're all SAVING LIVES whether it be through a t-shirt, a game of beer pong, or a small donation from the heart. The t-shirt design is as follows BUT it is not black!! It is white printed onto blue tshirts - look very cool and I will post actual pictures of the shirt when I find the cord to hook my camera to the computer - haha.

So PLEASE if you or anyone else you know might be interested in any of this (I have lots of options for ya') please either send them this link or the ling to my fundraising page:

I really appreciate all the support and help!!


Kind of slackin' on the blog :P

Monday, November 10, 2008

Wow! I didn't realize it had been so long since I last updated the blog! I'm not going to lie...I've been kind of a slacker in a few categories lately. Sadly, they do pertain to running. So if you remember to the beginning of my training I had some knee issues that had to do with my IT Band (muscle). I had been seeing Dr. Morganstein in Walnut Creek and he really helped me out! Within a couple of weeks I was slowly back up to my mileage. Well the problem is that what happened to my right knee back then - has now happened to my left knee. I don't know if I was over-compensating because my right knee was giving me problems or what but I'm almost at the exact same place but with the other knee. Which is kind of scary because my run is coming up soon!! FIVE WEEKS! So not only have I been slacking on the blog, I've been slacking on my running. Not this past Saturday (11/8) but the previous one (11/1) we were supposed to do 14 miles through the Oakland hills. Well when I say Oakland hills I don't mean foot-hills. I'm talking damn near mountain (or at least that's what it felt like-haha) The first 4 MILES were pretty steeply up-hill and my knee felt it then for sure. There were some parts that I had trouble walking up - not to mention that it was raining, muddy, my shoes had about 2 inches thick of clay stuck to the bottom that were making my feet feel like they weighed about 20lbs each and it was 7:15am! Needless to say, I didn't make 14 miles. I actually only ran about 3.5 before I was advised by a very veteran runner to turn around. I ended up doing about 10.5 total but I walked about 7 of it :( The week following that run I tried to run another hill workout without much progress then I took the rest of the week and this past weekend (11/8) off to rest up my leg and get it back into working condition. I was telling Don last night, I had no idea that it was going to be training for a marathon, fundraising, AND trying to get over injuries the whole time. It makes it so much harder. I feel like if it weren't for the knees I would be fine. Regardless, I am going to go see Dr. Morganstein -I am now working on getting my left knee back into good shape and then - it's going to be a BREEZE!! I have reached over $1000 with my fundraising so yay!!! for that. I have slightly over $1000 on my fundraising page as of this morning and with the money I have at home that puts me at about $1500!! almost half way there =) Only problem is - my deadline is in 3 weeks!! So..if you haven't donated yet - PLEASE DO IT NOW!! AHHH ;) Will post more later this week (I promise) about some upcoming fundraisers - yay!